How to Survive Google's Pending Panda Update

How to Survive Google's Pending Panda UpdateIt appears the Google search spam team has a busy year planned. Matt Cutts recently attended SMX west and gave details on what updates they have planned for 2013. And guess what? There will be an update of both Google Panda and Penguin this year. Surprised? Probably not. Google's updating their algorithm all the time -- some updates bigger than...
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How To Add Facebook Like Button To Blogger Read more:

Step 1: Go to Template >> Edit HTML >> and tick Expand Widget Templates. Step 2: Ctrl+F and find <data:post.body/> with this <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;staticpage&quot;'> tag. Step 3: Copy and paste the code after <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;staticpage&quot;'> tag. Step 4: Save your template.Standard Facebook Like ButtonCode:<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'>  <iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;send=false&amp;layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=450&amp;action=like&amp;font=arial&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=35&quot;' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:35px;'/></b:if>  Facebook...
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Google integrates Google+ comments from Blogger

  A new option in allows for enhanced integration of Google+ into the Blogger service from Google. Thus, it is now possible that comments from Google+ appear on Blogger and vice versa. But first you have to link his blog with Google+.With the new integration now also comments that are made on Google+ appear on the blog. Logically, this also happens the other way...
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Instantly Translate Foreign Blogs In Your RSS Feed with a Google Script

 If you want to read your favorite foreign news sites or blogs but don't speak the language, you'd usually have to head to the site and have it translated with Google Translate. However, tech blog Digital Inspiration shows off how to use Google Translate to automatically translate RSS feeds and send them to your favorite reader.If you exclusively use Google Reader, you can change your settings...
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Javascript disable right click

  In some situations some web admins think disabling a right click on their web page is a good idea.The reason for disabling a right click could be to:protect and hide source codeprotect images on web pagedisable copy and paste functionality...There are opinions that disabling right mouse click is a bad practice and you shouldn't do it on your site. It can prevent some novice users from stealing...
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How to make clickable picture in HTML

  This short tutorial will learn you how to make a clickable picture in HTML web page.What is clickable picture?Clickable picture is picture which will lead you to specific web page when you click on that picture.To better explain what is clickable picture take a look at image below this text. If you click this image, post "Make clickable links and clickable images" will...
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Build Your Own Website The Right Way

Build Your Own Website The Right Way Using HTML & CSS (3rd edition)Published: 2011-07-30 | ISBN: 0987090852 | PDF | 500 pages | 11 ...
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Google Website Optimizer Essential

Google Website Optimizer Essential TrainingFlash Video | MOV / AVC, ~754 kb/s | 960x540 | Duration: 3 hours 37 mins | English: AAC, 160 kb/s (2 ch) | 702 MBGenre: SEO, Web Design, Development / ProgrammingIn Google Website Optimizer Essential Training, David Booth shows how to use Website Optimizer, Google's free tool for conversion optimization. Conversion optimization, or landing page testing, is...
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Creating an Effective Content Strategy for Your Website

Creating an Effective Content Strategy for Your WebsiteFlash Video | MOV / AVC, ~103 kb/s | 960x540 | Duration: 1 hour 54 mins | English: AAC, 96 kb/s (1 ch) | 183 MBGenre: Web Design, Development / ProgrammingDiscover what it takes to be a content strategist: what they do, how do they do it, and why content strategy is so increasingly valued on the web (and a hot job category). Author Janine Warner...
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Specialist Blog Writer Secrets and techniques For Very best Blogging Practices - ten Suggestions To Get A lot more Blog Site visitors

My ten Secrets and techniques For Acquiring A lot more Blog Site visitors: Make Them Yours!As a Specialist blogger, I have located that most instances my clients (the blog owners) are not so comfy working with social advertising and marketing techniques or are purely unaware of the good outreach of uncomplicated social media tools. But, if you have a Twitter account please advertise your blog by...
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Four methods of adding CSS to HTML

Four methods of adding CSS to HTML There is more than one way to add a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) to your HTML document. In this short tutorial I will explain the strengths and weaknesses of the four main methods.Linking to a separate CSS fileThis is the most common method of attaching CSS rules to an HTML document. With this method all of your style rules are contained in a single...
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CSS tricks you may not know

source : proven to be such a success that we decided it was time to offer you ten more CSS tricks that you may not know. 1. Block vs. inline level elements Nearly all HTML elements are either block or inline elements. The characteristics of block elements include: Always begin on a new lineHeight,...
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Must Avoid Blackhat techniques

Source : everyone, I am going to do Part series of discussing various Black Hat SEO Techniques that should be avoided to get good Google Ranking. In the first part i am reviewing three techniques that are shown in the figure below:Google changes its searching algorithm very frequently...
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Reviews of Desktop Blogging Tools

Thanks to Glen Stansberry and Smashing Magazine for this great article: blogging tools can benefit designers-bloggers in a number of ways. They provide extra functionality that can significantly speed up the blogging process for both newbies and professionals.One of the main benefits of using a desktop client is...
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Create Vertical Accordion Menu

If you want to add a navigation menu, with hovering effect and drop down menu capability in blogger blog to give it a more website like feel, this is how you do it. The menu we are going to add looks like.Now ,as with any customisation this too has two partsA CSS edit andThe real code The CSS code ;  To define the appearance we have to add the following code to the style sheet , just...
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