Hide Blog Posts From Blogger

Here I'll teach you how to create a STATIC BLOGGER HOME PAGE or LANDING PAGE ! The default blog-posts which used to appear on the home screen in any blogger blogspot blog is not present on this blogger blog of mine.

This is how you do it. You may see tutorials saying remove the following code from html editor window.

But,if you delete this piece of code ,it deletes the blog post widget . i.e, it  removes the blog post widgte as such and you will never be able to show your blog posts. It deletes the widget from the blog totally. Here's a new trick

So to remove the blog posts from the home page alone.
  1. First go to Dashborad => Design =>Edit HTML (Edit Template HTML)
  2. The style sheet declarations end after the "]]></b:skin>" . So just search for the "]]></b:skin>" and add the code that comes after the red color ,as shown.

 Note that you are hidin both side bar and your posts here. To hide your posts alone and keep you sidebar intact  remove the .sidebar from  .post, .sidebar  from above piece of code in first block.

Now save the template. Now go do Design => Page elements and rearrange your widgets and add whatever you want as aove or below the blog post widget . Now you have your blog pos hidden on home page and they will appear when you click on an individual post link !!
It worked good for me. This is relatively new from me and if there are any bugs do let me know.

From original tutorial

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