Modern Quilts from the Blogging Universe

Modern Quilts from the Blogging Universe

Modern Quilts from the Blogging Universe
2012 | ISBN: 1604682116 | English | 96 Pages | EPUB | 3 MB

You'll be inspired by the work of these stars from the blogging universe, all of whom are innovative quiltmakers.

Discover 19 beautifully unique quilts with a modern aesthetic
Play with ideas such as negative space, purposeful imperfections, and improvisational piecing
Enjoy the featured bloggers' musings on modern quilting, their personal design process, and their blogs

READ MORE - Modern Quilts from the Blogging Universe

Getting Started Blogging

Getting Started Blogging

Getting Started Blogging
MP4 | AVC at 692 Kbps, 1280 x 720, 24 fps | AAC at 84.6 Kbps, 2 channels, 44.1 KHz | 662 MB
Genre: Blogging eLearning | Authors: Chris Garrett & Darren Rowse | Language: English

Get a handle on all things blogging with Darren and Chris. Never published a blog post in your life? Let Darren and Chris, masters of the blogging universe, share with you the tips and insights that they wish they had been given when they started out. In the following video, Darren Rowse of ProBlogger details what you can expect in this beginner’s blogging course.

What you'll learn

What to know before you start your blog
Keyword and brand research
How to install and customize WordPress
The best type of content to add to your blog

The ultimate benefit of blogging is the opportunity to communicate your expertise and establish your business as a resource.

Who should do this

While you may not think your business needs a blog, there are a number of reasons why it should. 
Those who are either intrigued by the world of blogging but have yet to take the plunge, or have started their blogging journey but are looking for some pointers and tips on how to take it to the next level.

If you’ve ever had the urge to start blogging then this course is the perfect introduction, and if you've started a blog but are wondering, "Where do I go from here?" then you'll benefit from Darren and Chris's combined experience and expertise.

This course is for anyone who has ever thought about starting a blog, no matter how tech-savvy or inexperienced, and anyone who has a blog but wants a few pointers on how to take it to the next level.
READ MORE - Getting Started Blogging

Header Margin and Padding Customization

.header-inner .Header .titlewrapper,
.header-inner .Header .descriptionwrapper {
  padding-left: 5px;
  padding-right: 5px;
  padding-top: 0px;
  padding-bottom: 0px;

In the css class above, you can edit or add it, to customize margin or padding (as mention above padding for header) as you want
It quite simple.

add the red color code, you can adjust it in other template that similar where your header arranged, make the header padding narrow as close to 0px.

READ MORE - Header Margin and Padding Customization

Lynda - Blogging for Your Business

Lynda - Blogging for Your Business Training

Lynda - Blogging for Your Business
English | Size: 517.22 MB
Category: Net: Blogging

If you're not blogging, it's time to get started or get left behind. If you need a bit of inspiration, here are 19 reasons (in no particular order) why your business.

The blogging movement is picking up speed as businesses begin to realize the benefits of blogging. Discover what a business blog can do for you.
Blogging for Your Business takes you through the planning process of creating a blog as part of your business marketing strategy. Author Morten Rand-Hendriksen provides a structured approach that divides the planning process into discrete stages, each with its own tasks and decisions. Through the course you are presented with key decisions, best practices, and expert advice that make you better informed and more equipped to build a blog that helps boost your business and its presence online. The course also shows how to set goals, delegate responsibilities, find a content niche, recruit contributors, and how to make technology decisions.

Topics include:

Why blog for business?
Defining goals for your blog
Deciding where to host a blog
Picking a platform
Creating a content strategy
Designing the blog
Scheduling posts
Promoting posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks.

Make this reference is nice to you.
READ MORE - Lynda - Blogging for Your Business

Using Javascript Encryption and Decryption to Hide Secret Message

How to make blogger post private?
How to encrypt blogger post?
How to create blog post with password?

First, please proceed to

Go to Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML.

Then add the JavaScript decryption code after the <head> tag in the HTML code of your blog. Copy and paste the following code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Then proceed to

You'll see this page.

form empty

Then type for secret key at the "Key" area and the secret message at the "Plain Text" area.

filled form

After doing so, hit the Encrypt button under the "Plain Text" area.

Then scroll down a little and you'll see the "HTML Code" area. Highlight, copy and paste the HTML code into your POST EDITOR.

html code

And that's it!

Here's the result of the example shown. The secret key is "password". Go and click on it.
READ MORE - Using Javascript Encryption and Decryption to Hide Secret Message

Split blogger header into two columns

Split blogger header into two columns

We can add gadget  next to header by splitting header section into two columns on blogger.It is easy to split blogger header into 2 columns.By dividing gadgets into 2 columns, We can add any blogger gadget  next to blogger header.

Follow below steps to split blogger header into 2 columns

step 1 : go to blogger dashboard

step 2 : click on template

step 3 : click on edit HTML

step 4 : *Do customization as below*
* search below code*
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='yes'>
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='false' title='your title name (Header)'

*add below code just after above code*

<b:section id='header-right' showaddelement='yes'/>
<div style='clear: both;'/>

Again search  *]]></b:skin>  , *and add below code just above*  ]]></b:skin>*

#header, body#layout #header {width:45%;display:inline-block;float:left;}
#header-right, body#layout #header-right {width:40%;display:inline-block;float:right;padding:15px;}
#header-right .widget {margin:0;}

And again add below code just above  *]]>   </b:template-skin*>

#layout #header {width: 50%; float: left;}
#layout #header-right {width: 50%; float: right;}

step 5 : click on save template.

Now go to blogger and click on layout , now you can see two column
header section on your blogger layout.
well ... in some cases... you must add the widget manually.. because some error occured when you save the layout..
READ MORE - Split blogger header into two columns

Blogging for Photographers: Showcase Your Creativity & Build Your Audience by Jolie O'Dell

Blogging for Photographers: Showcase Your Creativity & Build Your Audience

Blogging for Photographers: Showcase Your Creativity & Build Your Audience
by Jolie O'Dell
English | ISBN: 1781579970 | 2013 | PDF | 160 pages | 16 MB

 For those like me who have tried to sort through the thousands of photography eBooks out there and had a few hits and a lot of misses when it comes to helpful eBooks, this book set out to help. This week we you can spending the time for have new experience which seeks to give you a better idea of the eBook before you purchase it.
I think this book worthed...!!!!
READ MORE - Blogging for Photographers: Showcase Your Creativity & Build Your Audience by Jolie O'Dell

Teamtreehouse - How to Build Your Business Through Blogging

Teamtreehouse - How to Build Your Business Through Blogging

Teamtreehouse - How to Build Your Business Through Blogging
MP4 | AVC at 318 Kbps, 640 x 360, 29.970 fps | AAC at 110 Kbps, 2 channels, 48.0 KHz | 120 MB
Genre: Business, Blogging eLearning | Author: C.C. Chapman | Language: English

C.C. Chapman, author of 'Content Rules' and 'Amazing Things Will Happen', presents his insights on how to start blogging, how to find ideas on what to write, and tactics and tools to create a variety of content that will build your audience and help you find new business.

Blogging represents a unique opportunity to drive people to your website and build your business. In this stage, C.C. explains how to start blogging, find ideas, and learn from others as you begin to develop your content marketing.
READ MORE - Teamtreehouse - How to Build Your Business Through Blogging

Blogging for Creatives by Robin Houghton : book reviews

Blogging for Creatives: How designers, artists, crafters and writers can blog to make contacts, win business and build success
Blogging for Creatives is a helpful starting guide to blogging for those into art, crafting and design. Actually, the book is written in a manner that's applicable to general bloggers as well, just that most examples featured are of art and design, and sometimes cooking.
This book has many helpful tips on blogging and getting up to speed. It assumes no prior knowledge and the instructions are always clear and concise. So the book is great for beginners.
Here's the list of chapters:
  • Get Started
  • Blogging Tools and Technology
  • Step-by-Step Setup
  • Creating an Eye-catching Blog
  • Creating Great Content
  • Blogging on the Move
  • Promoting Your Blog
  • Being Social
  • How to turn Blog Visitors into Cash
  • PR and Your Blog
  • Monitoring Your Blog's Performance
  • Troubleshooting
  • Let's Blog
The book covers the basic setting up of the three main blogging platforms, namely Google's Blogger, Wordpress and Tumblr. There's a good comparison between the Wordpress blogging software and the Wordpress blog hosting platform that explains the difference well. It's quite important to know the differences because there are certain peculiar limitations to the Wordpress blog hosting.
After setting up, it talks about ideas generating content, marketing and measuring your blog's performance. Those are all essential skills. I've been blogging for several years and have learned from experience much of what's taught in the book. The book does a good job of covering the basics.
I like the many examples of blogs showcased. They are beautiful, inspiring and really shows the potential of blogging.
Highly recommended to beginner bloggers.
If you want more inspiration, I would also recommend the books Blogging Heroes (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | BDUS) and Clear Blogging (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | (Book Depository). These two books are on case studies of successful blogs and provide more in depth blogging philosophy.
Blogging for Creatives: How designers, artists, crafters and writers can blog to make contacts, win business and build success is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN) and Book Depository
All books listed above have Kindle editions also.
Blogging for Creatives: How designers, artists, crafters and writers can blog to make contacts, win business and build success
Blogging for Creatives: How designers, artists, crafters and writers can blog to make contacts, win business and build success
Blogging for Creatives: How designers, artists, crafters and writers can blog to make contacts, win business and build success
Blogging for Creatives: How designers, artists, crafters and writers can blog to make contacts, win business and build success
Blogging for Creatives: How designers, artists, crafters and writers can blog to make contacts, win business and build success
Blogging for Creatives: How designers, artists, crafters and writers can blog to make contacts, win business and build success

source :
READ MORE - Blogging for Creatives by Robin Houghton : book reviews

Perbedaan DIV dan SPAN tag

DIV dan SPAN adalah dua tag HTML yang sangat sering digunakan untuk menandai suatu bagian dari berkas halaman baik dengan ID ataupun CLASS. Dalam artikel ini, saya juga akan berbagi informasi tentang perbedaan tag html div dan span yang akan saya tuliskan secara sederhana yang dikutip dari berbagai sumber.
HTML adalah semua tentang penerapan makna konten. Sebagian besar tag HTML biasanya hanya berlaku untuk kategori tertentu, misalnya tag p untuk membuat paragraf, heading (h1-h6) untuk membuat judul, blockquote untuk teks kutipan dan sebagainya. Namun tag div dan span penggunaanya cukup luas. Mereka (Div dan Span) benar-benar digunakan secara luas dalam hubungannya dengan penerapan gaya CSS.
<div> dan <span> biasanya digunakan dalam potongan kelompok kode HTML dan menghubungkan beberapa informasi ke potongan itu, paling sering dengan atribut CLASS dan ID untuk mengasosiasikan elemen dengan kelas atau id CSS pemilih.
Sebagai contoh :
<div id="navigation">
<a href="/index.xhtml>HOME</a>
Penggunaan tag span dalam paragraf
<div id="content">
Selamat datang di <span class="yelshadow">Zhamelank Blog</span>. Semoga informasi yang terdapat dalam blog ini bisa bermanfaat.
Perbedaan mendasar antara DIV dan SPAN dalam dokumen HTML adalah bahwa DIV (divisi) merupakan elemen blok tingkat yang pada dasarnya memiliki baris jeda sebelum dan sesudah penggunaan kode (secara default akan ditampilkan sebagai elemen blok), sedangkan SPAN adalah elemen inline, yang umumnya digunakan untuk menyorot teks atau kalimat (secara default akan ditampilkan sebagai elemen inline).
Menempatkan tag DIV atau tag blok tingkat dalam SPAN adalah salah dan tidak valid, misalnya menempatkan tag paragraf <p> dalam tag span. Untuk melakukannya (membungkus elemen blok tingkat), maka perlu menempatkan elemen blok tingkat lain seperti menempatkan tag paragraf <p> dalam tag div.

sumber :
READ MORE - Perbedaan DIV dan SPAN tag

Membuat Search Box dalam Menu Bar

Fitur pencarian merupakan suatu alat dalam blog kita sebagai navigasi untuk mencari artikel yang berada di dalam blog kita, untuk itu berikut ini adalah cara yang mudah untuk menambahkan search bar yang ikut dalam tag dalam menu bar (jadi kalau belum punya supaya bikin dulu...!!(taruh dalam ]]></b:skin> (intinya pada kode css dalam tag header)

#navright {
width: 220px;
font-size: 11px;
float: right;
margin: 0px;

3. buka link menu bar milik anda dan copy paste kode ini
<div id='navright'> <form action='/search' id='searchthis' method='get' style='display:inline;
'><input id='search-box' name='q' size='25' type='text' value='Cari Artikel Disini'/><input id='search-btn' src='' style='margin-left: 5px;
margin: 1px 15px 0px 13px;' type='image' value='Search'/></form> </div>

sesuaikan dengan menu bar yang anda buat..!!!
READ MORE - Membuat Search Box dalam Menu Bar

Mudah Membuat Breadcrumbs untuk SEO

Breadcrumb adalah sebuah navigasi menu horizontal pada sebuah blog yang biasanya berada pada posisi atas blog di bawah judul atau header blog dan berfungsi mempermudah bagi pengunjung untuk mengetahui sedang berada di halaman mana berada dan memudahkan ketika akan kembali ke menu sebelumnya.

Anda dapat melihatnya pada contoh pada blog ini atau lihat pada picture bawah ini

Membuat breadcrumb pada sebuah blog sepertinya sesuatu yang wajib diadakan, kenapa? karena selain dari fungsi di atas, sama halnya seperti sitemap, breadcrumb juga sangat baik bagi SEO blog karena akan memperkaya kata kunci dalam postingan.
Bagi anda yang memakai template bawaan blogger breadcrumb ini tidak disediakan dan anda harus menginstalnya sendiri. Tetapi untuk template-template gratisan dari penyedia template yang banyak beredar terkadang fungsi breadcrumb ini sudah terpasang otomatis. 

Nah sekarang bagaimana cara membuat breadcrumb pada blogspot? Gampang sekali kok ^_^, caranya adalah:
1.      Log in ke blogger
2.      Masuk ke rancangan >  Edit HTML > centang “Expand Template Widget”
3.      Untuk amannya adan download dulu templatenya sebagai antisipasi apabila ada kesalahan.
4.      Dengan CTRL F cara kode ]]></b:skin>
5.      Copy kode dibawah ini dan paste tepat diatas kode  ]]></b:skin>

border-bottom:4px double #cadaef;

6.   Kemudian copy kode dibawah ini dan paste tepat dibawah kode <div class='post hentry'> atau cari kode ini <b:includable id='post' var='post'> Paste kode dibawah tepat dibawahnya.

<b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl == data:blog.url'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div class='breadcrumbs'>
Anda disini &#187; <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a> &#187;
<b:if cond='data:post.labels'><b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
<a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'><></a>
<b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'> , </b:if>
</b:if> &#187; <data:post.title/>

7.    Selesai. Simpan dan lihat hasilnya dengan mengklik salah satu postingan.

READ MORE - Mudah Membuat Breadcrumbs untuk SEO

Display Mobile Widget Template Tip

Create the widget in the template display the mobile version is actually quite easy by simply adding a mobile property on <b:widget> widget tag. There are 3 input value on these mobile property that has meaning and purpose of each. Here's the explanation:
mobile = 'yes': means the widget will be displayed on the mobile version of the template / mobile and desktop.
mobile = 'no': means the widget will only show the template versions of desktop / web.
mobile = 'only': means the widget will only show up on the mobile version of the template / mobile.

Well after understanding the above, we have now entered the implementation method. The first step we first determine which widget you want displayed on the mobile template. My advice should simply select the two important ones such as widget widget Recent Articles and Popular Post. Suppose I want to display the widget Recent Articles and Most HOT Week on mobile template, then the way is as follows:
1. Login to blogger dashboard, then go to menu Template> Edit HTML
2. In my template, the second code is the last widget like this:

<b:widget id='HTML12' locked='false' title='Artikel Terbaru' type='HTML'>
<b:includable id='main'>
and so on ...

<b:widget id='PopularPosts1' locked='false' title='This Sunday at HOT' type='PopularPosts'>
<b:includable id='main'>
and so on...
3. Add property mobile = 'yes' on each widget tag so that a complete code as shown below:
<b:widget id='HTML12' mobile='yes' locked='false' title='latest article' type='HTML'>
<b:includable id='main'>
and so on ...
</ b: widget>

<b:widget id='PopularPosts1' mobile='yes' locked='false' title='This Sunday at HOT' type='PopularPosts'>
<b:includable id='main'>
and so on ...
</ b: widget>
4. Save / save your template and you're done.Create the widget in the template display the mobile version is actually quite easy by simply adding a mobile property on <b:widget> widget tag. There are 3 input value on these mobile property that has meaning and purpose of each. Here's the explanation:
mobile = 'yes': means the widget will be displayed on the mobile version of the template / mobile and desktop.
mobile = 'no': means the widget will only show the template versions of desktop / web.
mobile = 'only': means the widget will only show up on the mobile version of the template / mobile.

Well after understanding the above, we have now entered the implementation method. The first step we first determine which widgets you want displayed on the mobile template. My advice should simply select the two important ones such as widget widget Recent Articles and Popular Post. Suppose I want to display the widget Recent Articles and Most HOT Week on mobile template, then the way is as follows:
1. Login to blogger dashboard, then go to menu Template> Edit HTML.
2. In my template, the second code is the last widget like this:

<b:widget id='HTML12' locked='false' title='Artikel Terbaru' type='HTML'>
<b:includable id='main'>
and so on ...

<b:widget id='PopularPosts1' locked='false' title='This Sunday at HOT' type='PopularPosts'>
<b:includable id='main'>
and so on...
3. Add property mobile = 'yes' on each widget tag so that a complete code as shown below:
<b:widget id='HTML12' mobile='yes' locked='false' title='latest article' type='HTML'>
<b:includable id='main'>
and so on ...
</ b: widget>

<b:widget id='PopularPosts1' mobile='yes' locked='false' title='This Sunday at HOT' type='PopularPosts'>
<b:includable id='main'>
and so on ...
</ b: widget>
4. Save / save your template and you're done.
Noted : I Use this for hiding my pagelist for only show in mobile browser mode, because my dropdown menu i created before more efective to show only in not mobile browser mode.
READ MORE - Display Mobile Widget Template Tip

Kustomasi CSS untuk menghilangkan sidebar

cara menghilangkan elemen halaman sidebar dan komentar di artikel tertentu

Sebenarnya saya sangat menggemari kustomasi css dari tiap masing-masing artikel atau halaman / pages dari blog. Terbetik sebuah ide untuk memakai tag style untuk menghilangkan widget yang diwakili dari id (#) atau class (.)  yang dapat kita ketahui dari kode xhtml yang dipakai untuk membangun blog dengan format (ya.. yang seperti inilah).. Untuk menghasilkan hal seperti itu, saya menyamakan untuk melakukan pemanggilan kembali kode Css dari halaman Edit Entri Postingan. Jadi ketika pengunjung membuka halaman tersebut, beberapa elemen blog akan hilang. Berikut ini trik dasarnya, yang saya dapat dari blogger bernama kang salman yang ada di

.....Ini adalah bagian akhir dari isi postingan.
#kodenya {display:none;}

Andat bisa menyisipkan pemanggilan kode Css diatas dibagian akhir edit entri postingan. Untuk halaman postingan yang pernah saya sisipkan kode Css seperti dibawah ini.

.....Ini adalah bagian akhir dari isi postingan.
<style>#main-wrapper{width: 960px; float: left; margin: 0 10px 0 10px; word-wrap: break-word;overflow: hidden;}</style>


READ MORE - Kustomasi CSS untuk menghilangkan sidebar

Bot Traffic In Google Traffic Analytics

e’ve seen more and more bot traffic registering as visitors in GA. (Bots are automated programs that normally don’t fire JavaScript or images, so this traffic shows up in web server logs, but not in Google Analytics.)
In this post we’re going to discuss bots from Yahoo! and Microsoft, why it’s important and how to identify the traffic and see if it’s affecting your site.
Why is this important? Well as you’ll see, all of this bot traffic comes into your site as Direct traffic, has exactly one pageview and then does nothing, and that is the problem. We have to remember that a visit as just described equals a bounce — which is a bad thing. So as you look at your reports over time, you may wonder why your goal conversion rates or Ecommerce conversion rates from Direct traffic have plummeted while your bounce rates have increased. Part of the answer could very well be bots. And if you don’t account for this traffic in your quest for the analytics intelligence that will turn your site from a business cost to a profit center, you may never get there!
So how do you know if this traffic is affecting your site? Well by looking from 30,000 feet, you may never know — you have to dig deep. So if you haven’t already been digging for answers about your Direct traffic performance, let me walk you through how to identify these bots.
First of all we know that the focus area is Direct traffic that bounces; so the first step is to create an advanced segment to “filter” all of our reports for these visits in Google Analytics Reports.
If you’d like to “play along” as you read this post here is a link to the segment:

This is a view of the service providers in the Network sub-section of the Technology Report that have been the source of our Direct, bouncing traffic.
next : go to original page here :
READ MORE - Bot Traffic In Google Traffic Analytics

The DHTMLX touch JavaScript framework

The DHTMLX touch JavaScript framework is compatible with all major browsers for mobile platforms that support HTML5. DHTMLX Touch offers a complete set of frame works that allows developers to create striking and vigorous web applications for mobile and touch devices like the iPhone, iPad and Android etc.
  I'm sure Javascript must hold some kind of record for the number of ways to define a function block and I'm equally sure people will argue for weeks about which style is best to use. However, what I would expect from library code (of which I include the example code) is a consistant style. I'd just got used to one style in the 'Module' code to be faced with a different one for 'AutoComplete'. Ok it's a minor thing but it's pretty irritating, if not tricky, to read a block of code with different coding styles within it.
  HTML5/ javascript  content, and we need to add some features to an extensive catalogue by this option.
READ MORE - The DHTMLX touch JavaScript framework

YUI Javascript Library

This industrial strength JavaScript library was built by Yahoo! front end engineers and global contributors. Offering a scalable, fast and robust library with complete set of JavaScript, CSS utilities and controls, YUI is another free library developed under BSD license. YUI comes in handy to help developers build rich and interactive web apps using DOM scripting, DHTML and AJAX techniques.
Very nice AJAX based UI widgests are YUI - Yahoo user interface kit, very clean design, skinnable. Google has own, of course.  Good web app framework (like TurboGears) simplifies AJAX/Jason interaction a lot.
  One very interesting item that we discovered about the YUI Lightbox selection was that unlike the other javascript libraries, developers using the YUI library (for the most part) seem to be oblivious to the thought that other developers may have implemented lightbox functionality for the library already. This has led to an amazing lack of variety in the names of these different Lightbox Clones.   I also believe that it's important to consider the very apparent differences in the composition of the community. As you noted, whereas YUI community members generally tend to be building JavaScript-heavy web applications, jQuery tends to attract a lot of designers. That difference tends to change both the essence of the questions as well as the number of questions and amount of involvement per user.
One thing that I have always loved about YUI is the very thorough documentation.  Many times, I have dug through jQuery's plugin library just to find that a plugin site has been taken down... so what if I was already using that on a site?  I'd be stuck or re-writing for another plugin.  Not a situation you want to be in on a large site.

READ MORE - YUI Javascript Library

SPRY JavaScript Framework

SPRY JavaScript Framework

SPRY is especially for those who do not consider themselves a JavaScript guru.
Any server-side technology (ColdFusion, PHP, ASP.Net, etc.) is compatible with Spry and working with it is so easy that anyone with basic web development skills can create cool, robust web apps.
The need better documentation/more examples.  Their examples are enough to get you started, but advanced things will stump most users.    As long as users are using IE6, developers will (have to) support it. I can't see any framework being successful when it dictates that it can't be used on one of the most popular browsers out there.  Each of these sections is a different view of the same underlying data stored in the client side data model. The data model is essentially just a list of the journeys and stops that the vehicle has made.
Using this technique, adding a new interacting view of the data is trivial. You can just create a new view, bind it to the same object and it will automatically interact with the other views, highlighting the correct journeys on hover.
READ MORE - SPRY JavaScript Framework

Mootools Javascript Framework

MooTools is a squashed, modular JavaScript frame work using the precise Object-Oriented approach helpful for the intermediate to advanced JavaScript developer. Its well documented, elegant and coherent API allows developer to write cross browse, powerful and flexible code. MooTools code undergoes with strict standard compliance and doesn’t throw any warnings. It’s extensively documented and has meaningful variable names.
Javascript is a highly under utilized programming language that is already widely available across multiple browser and mobile browser platforms.  Currently Javascript is used for making animations, games and other minimal nuggets online.  In place of using Flash on its own website, Apple has been working with a number of open scripting frameworks such as Prototype and, which mentions Apple on the front page of its website as a high profile user. Those frameworks offer prebuilt code that has been polished to work on all browsers, making it easier for the developer to concentrate on what their web page should be doing rather than repeatedly reinventing the wheel for various low level functions. In that respect, open JavaScript frameworks can replace Flash without requiring any secondary plugin runtime because they are simply open JavaScript that runs in the browser directly.
READ MORE - Mootools Javascript Framework

Sproutcore Web Application Development : a reference book

SproutCore Web Application Development
  • Write next-gen HTML5 apps using the SproutCore framework and tools
  • Get started right away by creating a powerful application in the very first chapter
  • Build your understanding of SproutCore as you follow through the most complete reference to the framework anywhere in existence

You can learn in this book

  • Use SproutCore’s object model to organize code into classes, subclasses, and mixins
  • Observe and bind properties across the code for efficient updates and error-free consistency
  • Structure code and separate responsibilities using client-side MVC
  • Define and build the user interface of extremely complex applications using SproutCore’s view library
  • Interact with remote data sources and model and store data in the client for immediate use
  • Connect an application together without messy, bug-prone controller code using SproutCore’s statechart library
  • Combine all of these skills in a repeatable process to create production-ready software
  • Test and deploy SproutCore applications

SproutCore is a framework that exists to allow developers to deliver on the promise of the Web with more than just simple attractive demos, but with complex software and remarkable user experiences. SproutCore’s creators recognized early on that developing real web software requires the same software development tools and practices that have evolved over decades in the native software field and thus SproutCore brings these to the Web.
SproutCore Web Application Development is more than just a guide to one of the largest and most powerful web application frameworks out there, it’s also a guide to writing genre defining web applications and solving the unique problems that the web platform creates. Containing the results of thousands of hours of software development experience, this book is invaluable for anyone already writing software for the Web or just starting out.
SproutCore Web Application Development comprises of three sections. In the first section we introduce SproutCore and walk through a simple SproutCore application. From there, we look in detail at all of the main components of the framework before finally working through a rigorous real-world example from start to finish. Learning about SproutCore means learning about writing software for the Web. In this book, you will not only learn what sets SproutCore apart from other web libraries and frameworks, you will also learn about solving the difficult challenges that web development poses. We will look at all the components of an application and how to translate wireframes, mocks, and design descriptions into clean, efficient, and maintainable code using MVC, data adaptors, statecharts, and more. We will look at SproutCore’s powerful binding and observing and watch how changes propagate across our app effortlessly and magically with very little code.
By the time you complete SproutCore Web Application Development, you’ll be ready to develop your own application that redefines what it means to be a web application.
READ MORE - Sproutcore Web Application Development : a reference book