How to add the Tweet This Text Link to Blogger?
1. Login to your Blogger Dashboard and Navigate to Design > Edit HTML2. Click on the Check box which says “Expand Widget Templates”
3. Now Look for
<data:post.body/>and immediately after that line paste the following code(Edit the code if needed)
<a expr:href='"" +data:post.title+ "&url=" + data:post.url + "&via=twitter&related=bloggerplugins:Widgets and Tutorials for Blogger"' style='float: left; background: url([3].png) left no-repeat; padding-left: 20px;' title='Share on Twitter' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' >Tweet This</a>Save the Template and you should see a Tweet This link below each of your posts like this
Tweet This
Optional Edits
1. You can edit via=twitter with your twitter user name. So if your twitter username is john, then change via=twitter to via=john2. You can also edit related=bloggerplugins:Widgets and Tutorials for Blogger .You can replace bloggerplugins with a twitter handle that you would like to recommend. You can replace Widgets and Tutorials for Blogger with a description of the recommended account
3. You can also edit Tweet This with the text you want to see on the link