Pulling Your Flickr Feed with jQuery

Feeds are the easiest way to view updated content, whether it's through a feed reader or outputted onto a web site. There are many different types of feeds, such as RSS or Atom, and many different ways display them on your site, such as using MagpieRSS to parse an RSS feed in PHP. However, you can also display feeds on your site using JavaScript, so in this post I'm going to be talking about...
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Create a link without an underline in HTML

 You want a link with no underline, or maybe a page full of non-underlined links? Well, let's see how to do it. The first thing to know is that you have to use a style sheet property to do this, so the trick only works in browsers that support style sheets. With that out of the way, let's take a look at how to create the non-underlined link. For Individual LinksIn order to create...
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Link Building Tip: Sneaky RSS Deep Links

I wrote a while ago how to use RSS to get links to your blog. If you’re a blogger you’ve no doubt noticed there’s quite a few blogs that scrape your RSS feed & republish the content. We all know that Duplicate content is a bad thing, however I’ve never seen any negative effects from Scraper blogs republishing my original content. I’d normally get about 2-3 blogs trackbacking me everyday republishing...
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Using RSS Feeds for Incoming Links

Getting Search Engine Spiders to your most recent content is always a priority for most webmasters. Sometimes even getting the spiders to update your new content at all can take time when you have a new website. Here’s a tip for newer sites that should get the spiders going crazy & eating your content up. There are a number of sites that aggregate your RSS feed & turn it into a static...
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Good Internal Linking Increases SE Rankings

Beyond the creation of a website a lot of the average “internet marketers” focus is links, links, links. More to the point, External Links. Whilst no-one can doubt that external links are all well & good why do I consistently see people not making correct use of their own Internal Linking? After all, using the right anchor text within your own site is bound to have some sort of effect? This...
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Simple jQuery Solution To A Simple Problem

When building out the Viget Extend blog, I really wanted to give some special attention to the real meat of the content: the code blocks. After looking at some other dev blogs, it seemed like there were two types: Big Ol' Blocks and Little Snippets. The big ones deserved the full treatment: Scrollbars, full colorization, line-numbering, all of it. We accomplished this with SyntaxHighlighter,...
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Delicioso the free Social Bookmark Submitter

Delicioso is a completely free program that will let you submit in mass to Social Bookmarking Networks. Pretty nifty program. This will allow the search engine spider to crawl your sites deeper & also help you remove any pages from the supplemental index. Provided you have already registered with any of the following Social Bookmark networks you can just include your account details...
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Styling Code Snippets with CSS

Although there are many useful plug-ins out there that dress up code snippets, I would like to share a technique playing with the background of the <pre> and <code> tag with CSS. View DemoCommon Problem with FireFoxWhen trying to add some padding to the <pre> tag, FireFox creates a cross-browser bug where it interferes with the spaces created by the space or tab bar. See below...
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Social Bookmarking List an Ultimate Dofollow Resource

Ultimate Dofollow Social & Link Building List 14. Feb 2009 | 48 Comments Welcome to the one stop shop for link builders looking to utilise social networks & other forms of dofollow link building techniques. I aim to keep this list as an up do date resource that grows over time, so please don’t hesitate to let me know...
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Blog Management; Last Step to Be Beginner to Advance Blogger

Blog Management / Business Mangement Step 6 is all about how to manage your ever growing blog empires. We also go through how I manage all commission, costs and marketing tasks as well. There are certain tasks that I feel that are important to helping you manage your ever growing blog empire. If you do not do this, I feel that you will not be able to keep a track of what your sales are doing, and...
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Blog Flipping; Step 6 From Novice to Advance

Blog Flipping Step 6 is all about flipping your blogs for insane profits. I will talk about why you should flip and where you should flip your blogs as well. Flipping blogs is a great source of income when you are starting out with blogs. I used to flip blogs when I first started, but as your network grows and your sites become quite profitable, you might not flip that many sites. At least that...
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Blog Promotion, a Comprehensive Approachment; Step 4 from Novice to Advance Blogger

Blog Promotion Step 4 is all about marketing. I will show you the exact steps that I take when I market one of my blogs. I am going to be doing some blog commenting in to start with. Blog commenting is a very good way to get backlinks to your blogs, and lots of them. I hate doing things manually, so I have found a tools that help me post comments on wordpress blogs ( and other platforms as well...
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Blog Setup Tips, a Semi Blackhat Approachment; Step 3 from Beginner to Advance Blogger

Blog Setup Step 3 is a very large step. I will show you how to build exact same blogs as I do.. Login to your cpanel account and select either fantastico deluxe or simple scripts. Bluehost and most hosts would rather you use simple scripts as it is more stable then fantastico. Once you are in the simple scripts interface, you just need to select the wordpress icon. Once you have done that, you...
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Domains & Hosting Setup, Step-2 Beginner to Advance Blogging

Domains & Hosting Setup In step two you will learn how to get your hands on the right domains for your blogs. You will also learn how to set up your hosting accounts the right way and who to use to get the best support for your growing blog network as well. It is time to get yourself a domain name for the blog that you are going to build. Head to namecheap to start search for a domain name that...
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Niche & Keyword Research, Step 1 Beginner to Advance

Niche & Keyword Research In this step I am going to talk about all things keyword and niche research. You will learn how to find the right keywords and products to promote. The keywords that I choose in this step are the keywords that are going to be used to optimize your blogs for. This part of the process should not take that long, and I feel that people tend to let themselves become bogged...
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