Using Twitter to Optimize SEO (SERP)

Every blogger is good to know that  there is a world of opportunity in social  media, especially the  rapidly growing social  media platform Twitter. This site has recently  had a redesign in order to make it even more user-friendly, and, consequently, the activities in and around it is booming. So how can bloggers use Twitter? Well, for one, have an existence in Twitter is a requirement. But is this enough? Did you interact with the community on Twitter is enough to drive traffic to your blog? This is certainly important, of course, but there's nothing you can do. While you may not realize this at first, it is actually possible to optimize the Twitter presence for search engines, so the benefits of your main blog. Here are some things to consider when you re-evaluate your Twitter presence.


Do you have the right grip and a profile name?

Do you have the right handle and profile name
This is probably the two most important part of setting your Twitter account is search engine friendly. Handle, such as username @ yourbrand, forming a static url in / yourbrand that search engines can index the information in the future so that your feed can be accessed and linked quickly and easily. Likewise, your profile name, the name that appears next to your address in the profile, further establish your brand. Ideally, both these names will target keywords related to your interests.


Do you write a proper profile?

Have you written the right kind of profile
Second, you must take the most important keywords and incorporate them into your profile. Just like the text on the web, your profile can be seen by search engines, so it makes sense to apply the same SEO tactics in this text as you would for any other blog post. Make sure you use all one hundred and sixty characters in your profile, and follow the regular keywords of the content.


Do you Tweet for SEO?

Do you Tweet for SEO
Just because you only get one hundred forty characters for each game does not mean you can not include some keywords to attract attention pencari.Apakah machine you've Googled something and discover that one of the first link you designate someone to Tweet? That will tell you that Tweets do get a quest, so you should include keywords, especially in the first few words of your game to get the maximum attention from the search.


Do you use a link?

Do you use links
There has been much discussion about Twitter 'nofollow' and, but that should not prevent you from trying to get traffic and search engine recognition of your links. Since Twitter is so popular right now, there are many other third party sites that aggregate Tweets for certain niche, and these sites may determine them to follow 'or' nofollow 'policy. Better to rely on your link is spreading rather than give up on connecting. Furthermore, the more popular you are on Twitter, the better the traffic your link will be. Therefore, you should use a url shortening service that allows you to track statistics on the link. I recommend BitLy, which uses search engine friendly 301 Redirects, allowing search engines to index the url destination.

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