A brief Introduction with Microsoft Keywords Research

A brief introduction of the tools in this category is provided below. You can explore more by clicking on each individual tool. Entity Association Graph This tool provides a graphic view of the associations between entities by mining the co-occurrences of entities in search queries or search sessions. Such associations will be useful when creating query suggestions or analyzing user search patterns....
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A brief Introduction with Microsoft Keywords Research

A brief introduction of the tools in this category is provided below. You can explore more by clicking on each individual tool. Entity Association Graph This tool provides a graphic view of the associations between entities by mining the co-occurrences of entities in search queries or search sessions. Such associations will be useful when creating query suggestions or analyzing user search patterns....
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Keywords Research Resources

Where do we get all of this knowledge about keyword demand and keyword referrals? From research sources like these listed here:Google Adwords’ Keyword EstimatorGoogle Insights for SearchGoogle Trends Keyword Demand PredictionMicrosoft AdCenter Keyword ForecastingWordtracker’s Free Basic Keyword Demand We can see that Google is predicting both the cost of running campaigns for these terms as well as...
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Understanding Long Tail Keywords Demand

It's wonderful to deal with keywords that have 5,000 searches a day, or even 500 searches a day, but in reality, these "popular" search terms actually make up less than 30% of the overall searches performed on the web. The remaining 70% lie in what's commonly called the "long tail" of search. The long tail contains hundreds of millions of unique searches that might be conducted a few times in any...
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Basic Keywords Research

Keyword research is one of the most important, valuable, and high return activities in the search marketing field. Through the detective work of puzzling out your market's keyword demand, you not only learn which terms and phrases to target with SEO, but also learn more about your customers as a whole. The usefulness of this intelligence cannot be overstated - with keyword research you can predict...
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Playing with BLOCKQUOTE and CSS : Dressing up Your Quatations

Using the blockquote tag can result in really boring looking quotations. After all, the standard format for blockquoted text is to be indented on the right and left about 40px. That's it. But with CSS we can do better. We can create blockquoted text that pops from your Web page and makes your quotes a useful design element, and not just more indented text.Add a BorderA simple way to improve blockquoted...
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Taking Your Blog on the Road

Me: “Oh, hey! How’s it going? Haven’t seen you in a while.”Blogsolid: “Hmph.”Me: “You look great. Have you lost weight? Wait, don’t tell me… It’s your header?”Blogsolid: “Nice try. It’s the exact same random header I had before you left on your little holiday.”Me: “Ohhh, I see – you’re upset that I left you here all alone?”Blogsolid: “Without so much as a guest blogger!...
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31 Minutes To Building A Better Blog

Darren Rowse of ProBlogger.net is running a campaign called 31 Days to Building a Better Blog. The idea is that bloggers are challenged to participate in a practical blogging tip every day of August. By the end of of the month you are bound to have a much better blog!*Update (16 August 2007) Just to clarify, the rest of this entry is my attempt at some humour, so take it with a...
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A Friend Rss Recomendation

Just for fun, I have decided to share my current collection of feeds with you. I have also loosely categorized them according to subject:Blogging:CopybloggerDaily Blog TipsProBloggerNorth x EastBlogs of my CountrymenAdiiCodaMark ForresterDesign Inspiration:FaveUpI Love TypographyISO50Logo PondStyleboostTypesitesDesign Resources:PSD TutsTutorial BlogVectipsPersonal InterestBibledel.icio.us hotlistdiggFanboyHi...
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Are Full Feeds Evil?

Good news everyone! Since Blogsolid launched in August, the number of RSS subscribers has steadily been growing. October has seen the subscribership pass the 200 mark. This is a humble achievement, but as we all know, growing your subscriber-base is important for any blog. Subscriber figures are an indication of how many (or few) loyal readers you have.An interesting observation is that as the subscriber...
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Five Benefits of FeedBurner

 RSS is an essential technology for successful blogging. Since most of your regular readers will want to subscribe to your blog’s feed, it is a good idea to gain some knowledge about RSS and the value it offers. I assume your blog is equipped with at least one RSS feed, but do you use FeedBurner?Owned by Google, FeedBurner is a free service offering tools to help you make the most of your...
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Simple CSS Blockquotes and Pullquotes

A user-friendly blog layout encourages mere visitors to become readers, so maybe you want to spice things up a little… How about some sweet blockquotes and saucy pullquotes?There is usually more than one way to skin a cat when it comes to CSS, but here’s my suggestion: BlockquotesWhen to use blockquotesA blockquote is used when quoting text from another source, usually...
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Add a Cute Flying Twitter Bird To Your Blogs

With Twitter's worldwide popularity and with over 200 million users, generating 65 million tweets a day, it has become a must for every web master to use twitter sharing buttons and applications as much on his web as possible. This lets users to easily  tweet our blogs and websites which thereby generates traffic for us in return. Harish of way2blogginghas coded a beautiful cute twitter...
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Stylized Page Navigation Widget For Blogger|Blogspot

As mentioned in the download page of MBT Church Themethat it has a Page Navigation Widget that is an alternative to Recent Posts, Home and Older Posts links at the bottom of blogger hosted blogs. In order to add the stylized version of Page Navigation Widget created by Mohammad Rias to your MBT Church Theme, follow the steps below,Page Navigation Widget For Blogger Hosted BlogsLog into...
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