Displaying category based on label name

Commonly, to display the category or label, all the names of the category or label those are displayed. So, is there any way to display category or label based on the category or label name? The answer is yes, there is.

category or label based on the category or label name is considered to
be more interesting because it’s more specific, e.g. a blog has categories of economics, politics, entertainment, and so on.

The first step to prepare is defining the categories or labels that you want to display, record or copy paste the category or label names, e.g. politics, etc. For the categories or labels consist of more than one word (have the space between) should be added with %20 (to replace the space), e.g. blogger tutorial, becomes:


Another thing you should know is the label names are case sensitive, e.g. blogger%20tutorial is different from Blogger%20tutorial.

The second step is preparing the feed address for category or label names to display, following the basic format as below:




For instance, Kang Rohman’s blog has the URL as http://www.blogspottutorial.com and label name to display is blogger%20tutorial, so the feed address for that label name is:




The following is how to display category based on the label name in Blogger:

  1. Login to blogger with your ID.
  2. Click Design.
  3. Click Page Element if you are not yet in this position. 
    page elements
  4. Click one of the Add a Gadget links.
    add a gadget
  5. A new window will pop up and click the sign plus ( + ) for Feed.
    feed gadget
  6. Enter the feed address you have prepared before. For instance, please enter the feed address below:
    http://www.blogspottutorial.com/feeds/posts/default/-/blogger%20tutorial feed url
  1. The options will appear. Here, you can change the title, the number of posts to display (max 5 posts), and more.
    blogger tutorial feed
  2. Click SAVE.
  3. Done.

To display the other categories, you only need to repeat the above steps, of course, with the feed addresses of your own blog.

There is another variation you will get in above technique, i.e. the display order can be based on the latest updated posts.


Although the posts have been very long or old, but if they are re-updated, they will be displayed in the top.

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