Balloon Tips Previews and Examples

/*---------- balon tips -----------*/{ position:relative; z-index:24; color:#3CA3FF; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; } span{ display: none; } /*background:; ie hack, harus mengubah sesuatu untuk menampilkan di IE*/{ z-index:25; color: #aaaaff; background:;} span.balontips{ display:block; position:absolute; top:0px; left:0; padding: 15px 0 0 0; width:200px; color:...
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Weather Widgets

Having the latest weather updates on your blog keep your site alive and fresh for your visitors. The easiest way to show off your local weather forecast on your website is with weather widgets, which can easily be implemented in your blog. Each weather widget displays the temperature, wind details, and much more.Ibegin Weather WidgetJust enter your City, Zip Code, or State to show your local weather...
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Post Ratings by Outbrain and Social Bookmarking Widget

Post Ratings by OutbrainLet your users give your post a star rating from one to five.Social Bookmarking Widget This widget lets your users to easily bookmark your blog posts at the bottom of each pos...
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Currently Online Readers Widget

Currently Online Readers WidgetA small widget which display how many users are currently online. The widget also indicates which pages are currently being looked a...
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Useful Twitter Widget for Blogger

Twitter is continuing to grow at a most overwhelming rate. As more and more people use sure to utilize these twitter resources on your blog or website as a tool to to expand and connect with your twitter community. Widgets and buttons are a great way to grab your readers attention and hence increase your twitter community. Below you will find links to different sites where you can...
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Adding Digg Widget

This tutorial explains how to integrate a Digg Button into your blogger template, which will be displayed in each of your blogger posts. The button displays the amount of times each post has been dugg and lets users digg directly from your blog. Here are the Steps: Make sure to Backup your Template! Open your blogger template, click Expand Widget Templates, and search for the code below: <data:post.body/> Add...
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Random Post Widget

This widget can definitely bring some excitement to your blogger powered blog. Letting your readers surf your blog to the fullest extent by creating a link to a random post in your blog's sidebar. Besides providing fun for your blog, hopefully your visitors will stay on your site for longer periods of time. Installation and Customization:Click button below to complete Installation: ...
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Making Cloud Posts Widget

This widget is perfect for blogspot users who desire a simple tag cloud for their Categories. The Labels Cloud can easily be implemented within the sidebar of your blog and will match your template wonderfully. Steps for ImplementationStep 1: Back it Up Always make sure to back up your Blogger Template before doing anything else! Step 2: The Labels Gadget Make sure that you have the...
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Best SEO Sites for Increased Traffic Tips

As many of you know, Search Engines are the most substantial source of traffic for almost any blog on the web. The blogs without any traffic from Google will never have the chance to be shared with the world. In order to increase your traffic, you must optimize your blog so that Search Engines are attracted to it. Which is also known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization).So here is a list of useful...
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Change the Title Tags in Blogger for More Search Engine Traffic

By default Blogger displays the blog title first, followed by the name of the post. As you might notice this is not good when it comes to SEO. It's important for the name of the post to come before the name of your blog, especially when it comes to google search results. Learn how to make your post title show up first so that you can reel in more traffic from the search engines.Why Change the Titles?It's...
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Change Default Favicon

Blogger supplies every blog with the standard orange "B" blogger favicon. Having your own unique favicon is a great way to give your blogger template both a distinct and explicit brand. These small 16X16 pixel images will most definitely help your blog stand out from the rest of the blogspot blogs.What is a Favicon?A favicon is a small 16X16 image located at the top of your browser in the url bar.How...
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Related Posts Widget for Blogger / Blogspot

Now here is wonderful hack for displaying links to related posts beneath each of your blog posts. The related articles are chosen from other posts in that same category/label/tag. With this hack many of your readers will remain on your site for longer periods of time when they see related posts of interest.Preview of Related Posts Links:Updates:If your related posts have not been showing up lately:...
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10 Facebook Widgets and Tools for Your Website and Blog

Facebook is the largest social networking site with more than 400 million active users and is growing larger every day! Make sure to use these Facebook widgets for your website or blog to connect with your large Facebook audience. You can use these tools to easily share certain profile information, websites, blogs, and businesses with the Facebook community.Personal Profile WidgetsLike BadgeDisplay...
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Recent Posts Widget Improved

One of the most annoying things of the Blogger Post Feed was that it is sorted by date of post-update. As a consequence, old posts that were updated appeared on the feed as if they were new. Very annoying if the alteration is just a minor one, for example repairing a broken link, or correcting a small mistake.Well, this problem (if we may call it a problem) has been solved now by Blogger. You can...
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Picasa Album WidgetPicasa is the free-to-download, easy-to-use, and Google-Pushed software tool to manage all your digital pictures. You can upload your pictures to your Picasa Web Albums. Now, wouldn't it be nice to have these albums available on your Blog? That is where this new widget comes in.This widget will show your public Picasa Webalbums in your sidebar, and links to Picasa itself.Go to install...

BlogToC Widget Released

The job is done. We now have a complete interactive Table Of Contents. Click the button in my sidebar to display the TOC. You can sort the TOC by Post Title by clicking the column header. Click it again, and it is sorted in reversed order. The same way if you want to sort the posts by date: newest first, or oldest first. And by clicking on one of the labels in the TOC filters all posts with that label....
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Beyond the 100 posts limit

After a lot of trial and error, and without having any success to develop a decent piece of programming to call JSON-feeds recursively, I suddenly had a flash of insight in how we can cross the 100 posts limit of the Table of Contents Widget. It's all because of Annie, one of those friends in the Blogosphere that makes me (and others) think. She has 101 blog posts, and is in dire need of a Table of...
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Speeding Up BlogTOC

Some of you who are using my (much appreciated) BlogTOC widget have mentioned the long load times of their blog as a result of the BlogTOC widget. Also, some of you want to display the Table of Contents automatically, without the visitor having to click on the Show TOC link.Well, I will share some ideas with you regarding this subject.Speeding up stuffIf you implement the BlogTOC widget in the standard...
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Google Books Widget

Want to share your library with friends, family and even the rest of the world? If that's the case, you can use my new Google Books Library Widget. Please take a look and experiment with this new widget, and let me know what you think about it. Google BooksIn Google Books you can create your own Library. Take a look here to see my small test library. As you can see, there are 2 books in this library,...
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Weather Report Widget

Widgetizing your Blog is the new thing to explore here on Beautiful Beta. Ramani shows how to add random Einstein quotes to your Blog. Phydeaux3 started all this showing Flickr Puppies, and even Hoctro now shows a Flickr Zeitgeist widget. So it is time that Beautiful Beta follows these fellows, with a useful Weather Forecast Widget. And ofcourse a tutorial on how to create this widget on your own...
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New Recent Comments Hack

Recent comments can be displayed in the sidebar of your Blog using the Feed page element. As a Feed-url you can provide "http://yourblogname/feeds/comments/full" to get the last 5 comments, with author and name. That's the standard functionality, and I really didn't like it at all. The standard comments-feed has a few things missing. First of all, the first few words of the comment are displayed as...
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Delving into JSON feeds

Developing my latest JSON-based widgets was done with a lot of trial and error, without a good understanding of the JSON-format and lacking knowledge of how to access the feed and retrieve the data. So this weekend I did some research and developed a small javascript program to analyze the feeds. It is tech stuff, so don't worry if you don't understand it.I found some documentation on the JSON-feed...
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All Feeds by Feedburner

Your blog generates feeds, you have these links on your blog pages, but how many people have actually subscribed to your feeds?Feedburner is used by many of you to monitor those statistics. But thanks to Ramani I recently discovered that there is something like auto-detection, that makes other feedreaders or browsers (like Firefox) automatically detect and subscribe to feeds. Those subscribers are...
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Google Analytics

How do people find your blog? How do they navigate around it? Which posts are hot, and which are not? That's interesting to know, and that's why you could start using Google Analytics, as I do.Google Analytics is a free tool, that gives you important and useful feedback on visitor behavior on your blog. The only thing you have to do is add some html/javascript code to your blog template, and set up...
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