The DHTMLX touch JavaScript framework

The DHTMLX touch JavaScript framework is compatible with all major browsers for mobile platforms that support HTML5. DHTMLX Touch offers a complete set of frame works that allows developers to create striking and vigorous web applications for mobile and touch devices like the iPhone, iPad and Android etc.
  I'm sure Javascript must hold some kind of record for the number of ways to define a function block and I'm equally sure people will argue for weeks about which style is best to use. However, what I would expect from library code (of which I include the example code) is a consistant style. I'd just got used to one style in the 'Module' code to be faced with a different one for 'AutoComplete'. Ok it's a minor thing but it's pretty irritating, if not tricky, to read a block of code with different coding styles within it.
  HTML5/ javascript  content, and we need to add some features to an extensive catalogue by this option.
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