Modern Quilts from the Blogging Universe

Modern Quilts from the Blogging Universe 2012 | ISBN: 1604682116 | English | 96 Pages | EPUB | 3 MB You'll be inspired by the work of these stars from the blogging universe, all of whom are innovative quiltmakers. Discover 19 beautifully unique quilts with a modern aesthetic Play with ideas such as negative space, purposeful imperfections, and improvisational piecing Enjoy the...
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Getting Started Blogging

Getting Started Blogging MP4 | AVC at 692 Kbps, 1280 x 720, 24 fps | AAC at 84.6 Kbps, 2 channels, 44.1 KHz | 662 MB Genre: Blogging eLearning | Authors: Chris Garrett & Darren Rowse | Language: English Get a handle on all things blogging with Darren and Chris. Never published a blog post in your life? Let Darren and Chris, masters of the blogging universe, share with you the tips and...
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Header Margin and Padding Customization

.header-inner .Header .titlewrapper, .header-inner .Header .descriptionwrapper { padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; } In the css class above, you can edit or add it, to customize margin or padding (as mention above padding for header) as you want . It quite simple. add the red color code, you can adjust it in other template that similar where...
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Lynda - Blogging for Your Business

Lynda - Blogging for Your Business English | Size: 517.22 MB Category: Net: Blogging If you're not blogging, it's time to get started or get left behind. If you need a bit of inspiration, here are 19 reasons (in no particular order) why your business. The blogging movement is picking up speed as businesses begin to realize the benefits of blogging. Discover what a business...
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Using Javascript Encryption and Decryption to Hide Secret Message

How to make blogger post private? How to encrypt blogger post? How to create blog post with password? First, please proceed to Go to Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML. Then add the JavaScript decryption code after the <head> tag in the HTML code of your blog. Copy and paste the following code: <script type="text/javascript"...
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Split blogger header into two columns

Split blogger header into two columns We can add gadget  next to header by splitting header section into two columns on blogger.It is easy to split blogger header into 2 columns.By dividing gadgets into 2 columns, We can add any blogger gadget  next to blogger header. Follow below steps to split blogger header into 2 columns step 1 : go to blogger dashboard step 2 : click on template step...
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Blogging for Photographers: Showcase Your Creativity & Build Your Audience by Jolie O'Dell

Blogging for Photographers: Showcase Your Creativity & Build Your Audience by Jolie O'Dell English | ISBN: 1781579970 | 2013 | PDF | 160 pages | 16 MB  For those like me who have tried to sort through the thousands of photography eBooks out there and had a few hits and a lot of misses when it comes to helpful eBooks, this book set out to help. This week we you can spending the time...
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Teamtreehouse - How to Build Your Business Through Blogging

Teamtreehouse - How to Build Your Business Through BloggingMP4 | AVC at 318 Kbps, 640 x 360, 29.970 fps | AAC at 110 Kbps, 2 channels, 48.0 KHz | 120 MBGenre: Business, Blogging eLearning | Author: C.C. Chapman | Language: English C.C. Chapman, author of 'Content Rules' and 'Amazing Things Will Happen', presents his insights on how to start blogging, how to find ideas on what to write, and tactics...
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Blogging for Creatives by Robin Houghton : book reviews

Blogging for Creatives is a helpful starting guide to blogging for those into art, crafting and design. Actually, the book is written in a manner that's applicable to general bloggers as well, just that most examples featured are of art and design, and sometimes cooking. This book has many helpful tips on blogging and getting up to speed. It assumes no prior knowledge and the instructions are...
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Perbedaan DIV dan SPAN tag

DIV dan SPAN adalah dua tag HTML yang sangat sering digunakan untuk menandai suatu bagian dari berkas halaman baik dengan ID ataupun CLASS. Dalam artikel ini, saya juga akan berbagi informasi tentang perbedaan tag html div dan span yang akan saya tuliskan secara sederhana yang dikutip dari berbagai sumber. HTML adalah semua tentang penerapan makna konten. Sebagian besar tag HTML biasanya hanya...
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Membuat Search Box dalam Menu Bar

Fitur pencarian merupakan suatu alat dalam blog kita sebagai navigasi untuk mencari artikel yang berada di dalam blog kita, untuk itu berikut ini adalah cara yang mudah untuk menambahkan search bar yang ikut dalam tag dalam menu bar (jadi kalau belum punya supaya bikin dulu...!!(taruh dalam ]]></b:skin> (intinya pada kode css dalam tag header) #navright { width: 220px; font-size: 11px; float:...
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Mudah Membuat Breadcrumbs untuk SEO

Breadcrumb adalah sebuah navigasi menu horizontal pada sebuah blog yang biasanya berada pada posisi atas blog di bawah judul atau header blog dan berfungsi mempermudah bagi pengunjung untuk mengetahui sedang berada di halaman mana berada dan memudahkan ketika akan kembali ke menu sebelumnya. Anda dapat melihatnya pada contoh pada blog ini atau lihat pada picture bawah ini       Membuat...
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Display Mobile Widget Template Tip

Create the widget in the template display the mobile version is actually quite easy by simply adding a mobile property on <b:widget> widget tag. There are 3 input value on these mobile property that has meaning and purpose of each. Here's the explanation: mobile = 'yes': means the widget will be displayed on the mobile version of the template / mobile and desktop. mobile = 'no': means the...
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Kustomasi CSS untuk menghilangkan sidebar

cara menghilangkan elemen halaman sidebar dan komentar di artikel tertentu Sebenarnya saya sangat menggemari kustomasi css dari tiap masing-masing artikel atau halaman / pages dari blog. Terbetik sebuah ide untuk memakai tag style untuk menghilangkan widget yang diwakili dari id (#) atau class (.)  yang dapat kita ketahui dari kode xhtml yang dipakai untuk membangun blog dengan format
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Bot Traffic In Google Traffic Analytics

e’ve seen more and more bot traffic registering as visitors in GA. (Bots are automated programs that normally don’t fire JavaScript or images, so this traffic shows up in web server logs, but not in Google Analytics.) In this post we’re going to discuss bots from Yahoo! and Microsoft, why it’s important and how to identify the traffic and see if it’s affecting your site. Why is this important?...
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The DHTMLX touch JavaScript framework

The DHTMLX touch JavaScript framework is compatible with all major browsers for mobile platforms that support HTML5. DHTMLX Touch offers a complete set of frame works that allows developers to create striking and vigorous web applications for mobile and touch devices like the iPhone, iPad and Android etc.   I'm sure Javascript must hold some kind of record for the number of ways to define...
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YUI Javascript Library

This industrial strength JavaScript library was built by Yahoo! front end engineers and global contributors. Offering a scalable, fast and robust library with complete set of JavaScript, CSS utilities and controls, YUI is another free library developed under BSD license. YUI comes in handy to help developers build rich and interactive web apps using DOM scripting, DHTML and AJAX techniques. Very...
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SPRY JavaScript Framework

SPRY JavaScript Framework SPRY is especially for those who do not consider themselves a JavaScript guru. Any server-side technology (ColdFusion, PHP, ASP.Net, etc.) is compatible with Spry and working with it is so easy that anyone with basic web development skills can create cool, robust web apps. The need better documentation/more examples.  Their examples are enough to get you started,...
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Mootools Javascript Framework

MooTools is a squashed, modular JavaScript frame work using the precise Object-Oriented approach helpful for the intermediate to advanced JavaScript developer. Its well documented, elegant and coherent API allows developer to write cross browse, powerful and flexible code. MooTools code undergoes with strict standard compliance and doesn’t throw any warnings. It’s extensively documented and has meaningful...
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Sproutcore Web Application Development : a reference book

Write next-gen HTML5 apps using the SproutCore framework and tools Get started right away by creating a powerful application in the very first chapter Build your understanding of SproutCore as you follow through the most complete reference to the framework anywhere in existence You can learn in this book Use SproutCore’s object model to organize code into classes, subclasses, and mixins Observe...
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