How To Add A Header With Opacity Using jQuery For Blogger

When I was looking for my next blog post, I came around a website, which has an opacity header in fixed position. The next thing came in my mind was to come make that same feature happen in Blogger. So to make that happen I used opacity script developed by David Walsh and I modified the script to make it work on Blogger platform. This tutorial will let you to add a header with opacity using...
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Another Quote Box Template (post)

I just copy and paste and put a download link  and i think it can be considerable to put in a post of your blog post without change any code in design page, just like not a simple tutorial, and i think this is good to slim our code, and here the one i found just before : code just like below :<div style="color: #757575;...
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Recent Posts with Thumbnails Hack for Blogger

Recent Posts with Thumbnails is an interesting hack that allows you to display your latest posts in various styles. Of course, Blogger has the Recent Posts with Thumbnails gadget, but this hack gives you more flexibility and options to choose from. Another default Recent Posts widget pulls content from your RSS feed and shows only the post titles. But thanks to Marianne, who was responsible...
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Add Author Box Below Blogger Posts

Ever thought of adding a author box at the end of a post giving information about you to your readers? Its a common feature on many wordpress blogs, and now its possible to add it on blogger blogs as well. Here is a step-by-step instruction to display an author box. Go to Design--Edit HTML, click on expand widgets and search for this code -]]></b:skin>Add the following code just above...
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Replacing PSA Google Adsense with Alternatif Ads

to replace the PSA that appears, in the script you can add google adsense alternative urls, can use a script from google that you have uploaded to your host or use the url that you've prepared to replace if the PSA that appears. this method I pake in all my web, including on this blog. eg like this: span style="background-color: #ffffff;" title="<script type="text/javascript">...
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Inserting Quran with GIF Image from Islamic-council

Just Insert the Image from and put image source in HTML through the pattern below :<img src=[surah_number+”_”+number_aayaah+”.gif”]>Example : Basmallah is the First ALquran Ayaah (Al-Fatihah): <img src=> Catatan: You can see the url example just like...
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Removing Label in The Bottom of The Post

How to remove label that always appears at the bottom of the post?Simply, here's how:   Log into the blog dashboard, then go to the DESIGN> EDITHTML * Check the first box "Expand Widget Templates" * Find the code below:<span class='post-labels'><b:if cond='data:post.labels'><data:postLabelsLabel/><b:loop...
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Not Showing Author Posted By

Hei... I thing not much explained just delete this code if you not want show your post id or the name of author... LOL <span class='post-author'><b:if cond='data:top.showAuthor'><data:top.authorLabel/> <></b:if></span>&nbs...
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Doorway Pages and Hidden Text

Doorway Pages and Hidden TextAnother common keyword scam is doorway pages. Before Google introduced the PageRank algorithm, doorways were a common practice and there were times when they were not considered an illegal optimization. A doorway page is a page that is made especially for the search engines and that has no meaning for humans but is used to get high positions in search engines and...
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Keyword Density or Keyword Stuffing

Keyword Density is the percentage of occurrence of your keywords to the text in the rest of your webpage.It is important for your main keywords to have the correct keyword density to rank well in Search Engines.  Keyword stuffing is a deceptive technique to try and elevate a website's search engine result ranking by including targeted keywords more often than they naturally would appear...
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About Avoiding Over SEO

The fight to top search engines' results knows no limits – neither ethical, nor technical. There are often reports of sites that have been temporarily or permanently excluded from Google and the other search engines because of malpractice and using “black hat” SEO optimization techniques. The reaction of search engines is easy to understand – with so many tricks and cheats that SEO experts include...
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Synergy Between Domain Names & Keyword Based Search Engine Optimization Strategies

SEO Question: Do domain names play a role in SEO? Do search engines understand that the words are in the URL even if they are ran together without hyphens in between them? What techniques are best for registering a domain name that search engines like Google will like?Answer: Over time the role of the domain name as an SEO tool has changed, but currently I think they carry a lot of weight for the...
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The Art Of Writing - Articles In 5 Minutes Or Less

How To Write Articles in 5 Minutes or Less...The Art of Writing - Articles in 5 Minutes or less gives you a step-by-step system that will:*Cover the four major aspects of article writing that will boost your speed greatly once understood.*Provide you with the action steps you need to reach your goal of faster article writing.*Save you tons of time and money when it comes to creating content and articles...
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Open popup window with open.window method

To open a new window by clicking on the link, you will need to use method of javascript.Sample of popup windowClick here for simple popup window<a href="javascript: void(0)" onclick="'popup.html', 'windowname1', 'width=200, height=77'); return false;">Click here for simple popup window</a>Now you can open a simple window, also this function can have different...
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How to make correct rollover buttons with preload images

Rollover (Mouseover) is one of the most simplest and at the same time the most popular script on web-pages. Nevertheless in 90% of the cases this simple script is made incorrectly. The fact!We first need to understand how this script should work. At first sight it looks quite elementary: Whenever the user moves the mouse pointer over the button, the button changes own state (one picture is replaced...
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jQuery Simple Drop-Down Menu Plugin

 So, I present to you the simple drop-down menu. The peculiarity of this menu is that these 20 lines of code and absence of various cumbersome mouse events within html code. This script requires the jQuery library. There's a version that does not require jQuery. Compatibility: IE6+, Firefox 1.5+, Opera 8+, Safari 3+, Chrome 0.2+Requirements: jQuery librarySize: <...
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