Replacing PSA Google Adsense with Alternatif Ads

to replace the PSA that appears, in the script you can add google adsense alternative urls, can use a script from google that you have uploaded to your host or use the url that you've prepared to replace if the PSA that appears. 
this method I pake in all my web, including on this blog. 
eg like this: 

<script type="text/javascript"> <! - 
google_ad_client = ""; 
google_alternate_ad_url = ""; 
google_ad_width = 160; 
google_ad_height = 600; 
google_ad_format = "160 × 600_as"; 
google_ad_type = "text_image"; 
google_ad_channel = ""; 
google_color_border = "f2e6bc"; 
google_color_link = "6d310d"; 
google_color_bg = "f2e6bc"; 
google_color_text = "000000"; 
google_color_url = "000000"; 
//-></ Script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src=""> </ script> 

in the code that I make bold is the alternative url. if the PSA appeared then to be replaced / filled with pages that exist in 

Another way is to use the collapsing ad unit script, which is usually my pake for which I put the adsense code within / between posts, to avoid the blank if the ad does not appear / PSA. 
enough "save link as .." for Firefox or "save target as ..." for Internet users google_adsense_script.html file explorer. 
upload the file to the root of your domain, then use as alternative ads in your adsense code, like this: 
google_alternate_ad_url = ""

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