Spoiler with CSS and Javascript

here some tip, that i've been trying this trick form this page
Choose the web language that you have learned : This is the choice

the css and javascript here :
#layer1 { visibility : visible; position : relative; } #layer2 { visibility : hidden; position : absolute; }
a.info { position:relative; z-index:24; background-color:#ddd; color:#000; text-decoration:none } a.info:hover {z-index:25; background-color:#ff0} a.info span{display: none} a.info:hover span { display:block; position:absolute; top:2em; left:2em; width:10em; border:1px solid #0cf; background-color:#555; color:#fff; } </style>
<script> function afficher() { document.getElementById('layer2').style.visibility ='visible';document.getElementById('layer2').style.position ='relative'; document.getElementById('layer3').style.visibility='hidden';}function fermer() { document.getElementById('layer2').style.visibility ='hidden'; document.getElementById('layer2').style.position ='absolute'; document.getElementById('layer3').style.visibility='visible'; } </script>
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