The SEO a Lazy Way Method

The SEO's system for themed keyword research.

If Google's Penguin update and Knowledge Graph have taught us anything, it's that concepts have become more important than individual keywords for search marketing.

Many people in the SEO space mistakenly assume that because Google withholds keyword referral data in the form of (not provided), keywords no longer matter.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Every search begins with keywords. Over 5 billion Google searches a day. Consider the following:

Google's entire business is based on selling keywords – over 40 billion dollars a year, most of it from keyword sales through advertising.
(not provided) affects only post-click analytics. It doesn't influence the pre-click keywords users type into search boxes.
Keywords and their meaning remain the primary input search engines use to deliver answers to users (while other inputs such as location data and app integration are on the rise).

Marketers who invest in smart keyword research will continue to have a huge advantage over the competition.

The trick today is turning those keywords into concepts.
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