4 Ways To Avoid Ban by Google for Testing Site Template with Adsense Code on Localhost

4 Ways To Avoid Ban by Google for Testing Site Template with Adsense Code on LocalhostLot many webmasters and designers worry about testing a test or offline site with Google Adsense code on localhost. They do test the design changes for many times on localhost which turns into lot many impressions of Adsense ads on the offline or “under construction” site. As per the TOS of adsense testing site Google...
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Succesful Blog Quotes for Making Money

Consistensi is a key component of a successful blog, so I do not suggest to forget about profits in a few months early - even up to six months if necessary - and provide a focus on value. These reasons encourage you to choose a topic you could write every day without benefits (it is a good question that can be asked it to yourself - Could you write every day about the topics you choose?). On the other...
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Topik Blog yang Sulit

Terus terang, sangat sulit untuk menentukan topik dari blog. Sangat klise adalah sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan saya, atau sesuatu yang menunjukkan kepunyaan dari blogger. Sering kali kita tergoda dengan pola mencari topik yang mudah mengisi, dan akhirnya justru topik semakin ngawur dan tidak fokus. Yup! mungkin contoh yang konkrit adalah blog ini.So... Barangkali sebuah tips yang saya quote dari...
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Value Added Make Your Blog Success

Same general things - they improve people's lives. If your blog is doing things Similarly, you have to decide what who would you give to improve the lives of others - what your gifts to blogospher...
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Topic Tips

topic you care and can make money from it. Every person is different. Several permanent motivated in a process, not on the topic, and these people can run a blog about the topics they do not care, just because it makes the process of generating they fixed the roa...
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Understanding Bounce Rate at Google Analytics Services

Ever heard of Google Analytics? Yes, it is one of the tools to detect movement in a website visitor activity. Lots of interesting stuff from the user behavior that can be detected by google analytics. One of the terms that describe it is "Bounce Rate". What is "Bounce Rate"? Where did the "Bounce Rate" measured?Bounce rate is if the analogy like this, visitors who opened a web page, then do not do...
READ MORE - Understanding Bounce Rate at Google Analytics Services