ColorFoff : Portable , production tools

   This article dedicated for my daughter Naj-Aish ColorFOff is an Open Source Portable Desktop Color Picker. It can be used to get the HEX color value of any pixel color presented on your screen. Once running,  simply left click in the label field and then drag your mouse pointer over any area on your desktop (while holding the left click button), and the HEX value of that pixel...
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Rank Me : Portable , chec the page rank

Rank Me is a Free page rank checking tool created by Mattlav Software. This portable page rank checker can be used to look up the page rank of any website or page by simply typing the URL and pressing the Get Google Page Rank button. RankMe does require .Net Framework 3.5 or later be installed on the PC. However the tool itself is self contained, (requiring no installation), hence I consider it portable.Rank...
READ MORE - Rank Me : Portable , chec the page rank