SEO Aspect 2014 for Blogger

All In One SEO Pack 2014 for Blogger 
SEO Aspect 2014 for Blogger

Features that you must have aspect to create astonishing SEO for blogger :
-Add Meta Tags in Your Blogger Blog.
-Show Post Title First In Search Results
-SEO Optimize
-Blogger Comments
-SEO Optimize Blogger Labels
-SEO Optimize Blogger Archives
-Optimize Post Title Using H2 Tag
-Add an SEO Friendly Robots.txt File
-Convert Title Tags to Dynamic Title Tags.
-Allow Crawlers to crawl your site daily.
-Google + Author Profile Pciture Compatible.
-Helps you in Getting High USA Traffic.

How to Add This Plugin to Blogger?
-Login to your Blogger blog account
-Then Go to Dashboard
-After going to Dashboard Click on Template
-And in Template You’ll See Edit Html Button click on them
-So after that Go to section in Template.
-You can easily search by using Ctrl+F button
-After Searching for download and put following code just below or after your section.
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Developing Blog Articles : Tips

Today I would like to change the format a bit to publish the article, and this time give a list of the Top 10 Blogs for personal development with links to their respective sites. The list I have generated based on certain policies, for example:

  • Quality articles
  • Frequency of publication
  • Friendliness website
  • Ranking and visits
  • Mastery of the subject

Among other. The idea of ​​sharing these sites you will see below, is that you can continue learning beyond what I write on this blog, because while most tell better. It is noteworthy that the sites then do not follow any specific order. All were considered equally.

1. Overcoming Club

According to the author José María Vicedo in this site are shared Best Ideas for self-improvement and motivation . By its content and design, it is a quite nice blog to read, with good ideas and great articles, great place to consider to increase our knowledge in personal development.

2. For a Better Life Coaching

In this website, the great Coach Emma Garcia, shares his knowledge about personal development. An excellent blog, you can not miss, definitely one of the most recommended, excellent quality puts him on this list with honors.

3. Create Your Reality

Create Your Reality is an entire website devoted to positive thinking, conscious creation, law of attraction and everything having to do with personal development Road Less Traveled. Topics undoubtedly appeal to many who visit my blog (myself included : D ).

4. Posts For Personal Growth

This site, although it is not updated very often, it's worth giving a good review. Contains very interesting topics including articles, stories and messages about personal growth are included.

5. Optimal Infinite

In this blog, Jose Miguel Bolivar taught us good detail Innovation and Productivity for a World 2.0. Manages the concept of GTD (Getting Things Done - Conduct things).

6. Self-Help Resources

I simply love this blog. Its visual appearance is incredibly nice, and your articles could not be better. Not to mention the fact that they are frequently updating their content and resources that are published here are quite useful. One of the best, no doubt.

.7 Motivation

This site will provide the necessary tools to achieve motivation of iron each time you want to take action path to success . A good site that compensates for its graphic simplicity with excellence content.

8 Emotional Improvement

In his blog, Merlina Meiler we share a vision that allows us to improve our emotional life. According Merlina, is for those in a relationship, or who simply wish to improve their quality of life in all aspects.

9 Life Hacker

The title may confuse some. But do not worry, this site teaches us how to hack our lives what we want to achieve and improve in every aspect. Besides also give interesting tips productivity, and not to mention it is one of the most visited in English.

10. Steve Pavlina

This is perhaps the biggest on the world Personal Development blog. It is by far the most visited and valued by all. His articles are usually quite deep. It discusses self-knowledge and awareness to unimaginable levels. Steve pavlina's blog was always my inspiration, even before starting .


I know I know : D 10 But I said I would not want to stop taking into account my blog ;) I recommend you subscribe to the blogs that you like and read what they publish frequently, I guarantee you will improve your life significantly. And if you have not subscribed to my blog, do it now, at the top right is the form where you just enter your email address and click Subscribe. Do you have somewhere else you want to share?

READ MORE - Developing Blog Articles : Tips

10 Countries Most Blogspot Users

10 Countries Most Blogspot Users

Media blog was first popularized by, which is owned by Pyra Labs before finally PyraLab Google.Com acquired by the end of 2002 ago. Since then, there are many applications that are open source dedicated to the development of the blog author.

Blogs have a very diverse functions, from a diary, media publicity in a political campaign, to media programs and corporations. Some blog maintained by a single author, while others by several authors,. Many weblogs also have the facility of interaction with the audience, such as using the guest book and comments field that can allow visitors to leave comments on the contents of the published writings, but there is also the opposite or non-interactive.

These web sites are interconnected thanks weblog, or a total of a collection of weblogs are often referred to as the blogosphere. Whenever a collection of wave activity, information and opinions are very large recurring to some very controversial subjects occur in the blogosphere, it is often referred to as a storm blogstorm or blog.

Blogger is a blog publishing service created by Pyra Labs and acquired by Google in 2003 In general, blogs are hosted by Google at subdomains under Blogger allows users to publish blogs on other server, via FTP to 1 May 2010 After this date, all blogs should be stored on Google's servers, although users can use its own web address with Custom URL feature.
Here are 10 Countries Most Blogspot Users

     United States
     Saudi Arabia

That's 10 Most Blogspot User State
You should be proud as a user of the flat form BLOGSPOT

READ MORE - 10 Countries Most Blogspot Users

Several Ways To Target Traffic To Your Website

Ways To Target Traffic To Your Website

If you had an online business, it is only a must for you to think of targeting traffic. After all, you need to rank in the search engines for your business to become more visible to the public. However, the rankings change every minute of the day and that depends on the traffic driven to your website. 

The whole idea that is playing here is that you get to attract people to visit your website. The feedback they will provide will become an opportunity for you to gain more visitors. Hence, that means more traffic for your online portal. 

There are different ways on how you will be able to target traffic to your website. Among them is article marketing, ensuring the proper set up of the HTML tags on your page, and then commenting on the blogs of others. For further explanation, read on below.

Article Marketing

Article marketing is so far one of the tried and tested methods of earning targeted visitors toward your website. Most likely, people will key in some words that will address their problems and provide answers to their queries. Now, if your site is seen from among the rankings in the Google page, they will click on it and read. The more informative your page is, the more visitors you will get. Therefore, you must know which keywords are often searched by the public and be sure to write articles about them.

But what if you don't have the knack for writing your own content?

Chances are you may not have enough time to handle another task in addition to running your website and other online concerns. 

First of all, your main concern is to be able to provide your readers quality content on your pages. And with the lots of administrative and marketing duties on your hands, you can't take on another task, but, because you need to put your mind on achieving traffic and leads, you can outsource another person's services to further promote your marketing campaign. You can always hire ghostwriters for your website.


Commenting on other's Blogs

Another technique to get more traffic is by means of commenting on other people's blogs. However, many people fail to realize its efficiency. By checking out the popular blog sites and leaving intellectual comments on any of the topics that you are familiar with, those who get to read your post will likely become interested to follow your link and learn more about you and what you know about a certain topic that concerns them.


The HTML Guideline

HTML or hyper text markup language may be a bit technical for others. But you see it matters that you input the proper title tags so that the search engines will automatically display the information that sums up what your website is all about. Also include the necessary keywords and phrases in the Meta keywords tags and Meta description.

As you may have realized by now, it is easy to target traffic to your website provided that you know the things to do. So, why wait when you can get your page ranking now?

Well it looks like simple SEO.

READ MORE - Several Ways To Target Traffic To Your Website